European Engagement: Day Trip to Kutna Hora

- Introduction
- Exploring Copenhagen
- Getting Engaged in Prague
- Day Trip to Kutna Hora
- Vienna and Dinner at Steirereck
Since we had covered a lot of the city during our Segway tour, we decided to take a day trip to Kutna Hora. It’s only about an hour train ride, and there’s a couple cool things to see there. The first is the ossuary, which is basically a huge church made of bones. There are supposedly bones from as many as 50,000 people in the church. Going in, I thought that it’d be creepy, but there are a ton of people walking around and it wasn’t bad at all, in case some of you scaredy-cats are worried.
The other big attractions in Kutna Hora are some of the cathedrals, including St. Barbara’s which is a UNESCO heritage site. It’s a 45 minute walk from the ossuary, so make sure to plan out your day with the bus schedules in mind. We had only budgeted about 3 hours for all the sites, but I’d recommend planning to spend about 5-6 hours total. After visiting St. Barbara’s, there’s also a nice town square and many shops to visit.
I would recommend doing this day trip, but only after you feel like you’ve been able to do everything you want to do in Prague. You’re able to see some unique and interesting things here, but if you only have 1-2 days to spend I would focus on staying in Prague. Since we had over 3 days to spend we had the luxury of time and felt that we had seen everything we wanted to see back in Prague.