Winners Of The $200 American Airlines Gift Cards

First of all, thank you so much for participating in my giveaway this week. It’s been a blast seeing all of the food recommendations pour in, and I’ve kept detailed records in hopes of trying as many of them as humanly possible during my travels.
But let’s get down to business – here are the lucky winners of the American Airlines gift cards. Winners were chosen at random via
Winner #1. $100 AA Gift Card: Commenter TRC, with the recommendation – “On a law school visit in Boston, I had a peppermint ice cream cake with chocolate frosting at the Atlantic Fish Market (I think that’s what it was called). It was amazing and big.”
Winner #2. $50 AA Gift Card: From Twitter, user Luke US –
Winner #3. $50 AA Gift Card: And lastly from Facebook, reader Tyler Johnson recommends “The tagliatelle at Merlo on Maple in Chicago is outstanding.”
Thanks again to everyone that participated, and I’ll be reaching out directly to each of the winners later this week with the prizes.
Hi Terence,
Thank you so much!! 🙂 First time ever I win something in a giveaway!
Thanks again, and congrats on your blog!