A Humorous Way To Look At Uber’s Dominance

Uber gets a lot of press in the blog-o-sphere, hailing it as a revolutionary change in the transportation industry. Oh, and the referral credits don’t hurt either.
But as of tonight, they are officially a big deal now that they’ve gotten the South Park treatment. I’m a big fan of South Park, and in its 18th season it’s only been getting better. In the first three episodes, South Park tackled issues related to the Washington Redskins, Ebola, and transgenders.
And now, Uber. Or technically Handicar. My favorite line from the episode, on the topic of why taxis haven’t been able to compete:
“Why don’t you guys just make your cars cleaner and nicer, and try to be nicer to your customers so you can compete with Handicar’s popularity in the marketplace”
Hey taxis, it’s really that simple! In case you’re interested, here’s the link to the episode.
And if they decide to do an airline episode at some point, my vote goes to United. Those Smisek videos were tailor-made for this purpose!