Having Game of Thrones Withdrawals? Then Pack Your Bags for Spain

Don’t worry, no Game of Thrones spoilers ahead. Just a fan of the show that’s been having withdrawals ever since the Season 4 finale a few weeks ago and craving any morsel of news I can dig up on the upcoming season. So imagine my delight when I stumbled upon a CNN article detailing the choice of The Alcazar of Seville castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as the new location for Season 5 of the show, which begins filming this October.
Game of Thrones may have some of the most loyal and crazed fans out there. Other filming locations have included Croatia and Northern Ireland, and the show has been a boon for tourism in those locations and inspiring ‘Game of Thrones’ tours. Even Queen Elizabeth is a fan, stopping by the set in Belfast last month, and a recent auction on Charitybuzz for a set visit and meet and greet in Ireland with the co-creator David Benioff sold for over $20,000.
So for the diehard fans out there, since the news just broke, this could be your chance to sneak in before the craze begins and check out the location for yourself. The pictures look absolutely stunning, and I can’t wait to see how this all plays out on the screen [I haven’t read the books, so no spoilers please!]
Has anyone been to The Alcazar of Seville, and if so, what’s the verdict on the choice? In general, anyone visited the set of their favorite TV shows before and how was the experience?