Dutch Man Re-Scheduled Reservations On Both Doomed Malaysian Airlines Flights

A Dutch professional cyclist named Maarten de Jonge may be the luckiest man in the world. It seems hard to believe, but apparently he re-scheduled reservations on both of the doomed Malaysian Airlines flights – flight MH370 which disappeared back in March, and flight MH17 which just a few days ago was tragically shot down over Ukraine.
From an article over on ABC News, on his website de Jonge confirmed that he was scheduled originally on MH370, but had to make a last-minute change due to a scheduling conflict::
“What has happened is terrible, so many victims, that’s a horrible thing,” de Jonge said in a translated statement on his website. “I have my story done and I would like to leave it … my story is ultimately nothing compared to the misery in which so many people are paid.”
This also comes after news of of a British family that was re-scheduled on a different flight due to lack of seats. I can’t even begin to imagine what it must feel like for either party to escape death once, let alone twice for de Jonge. My thoughts and prayers go out to those that were less fortunate.
There was also a story about a flight attendant who switched shifts and flew on MH17. His wife had done the same thing, in reverse for MH370. I covered it in my blog http://www.bugadvisor.com a few days ago.